social media management

How to Get Started with Social Media Management

Over 3.5 billion people across the world use some social media platform as part of their daily life. That’s nearly half of the entire population.

For the layman, it may be just a number.

But for the businessperson, it reflects an opportunity – in the form of immense advertising potential.

What is Social Media Management?

Social media management is an indispensable digital marketing tool for today’s marketers. It involves analyzing social media audiences to create a content strategy tailored to their wants and monitoring its success via campaign ROI and social media performance.

With the pandemic raging on, online marketing has become all the more relevant. That’s why if you haven’t yet jumped into enhancing your social media presence, now might be a perfect time.

Those likes, shares, and comments are more important than you’d think.

The 3 Steps to Social Media Supremacy

The most complex part of creating a social media strategy is figuring out where to start. There are tons of raw data at your disposal, and identifying what to use is the trick to success.

To help you out, we’ve listed out the three most important steps for a winning SMM strategy:

1)    Identify your Target Audience

This step is the prelude to each aspect of your digital marketing campaigns, and the reason why is simple:

You need customers, and your customers need value.

Once you understand your social media followers, you can create content that adds value to their feeds.  You can do this by segmenting them into groups based on similar characteristics, such as age, gender, or location. These can be further sub-divided into smaller groups based on interests.

For example, among your potential customers in Texas, there may be a group that heavily engages with sports-related content, while another follows local food-chain pages.

You can use all this information to create targeted ads that catch their attention.

You can gather this data by using social listening tools, such as HubSpot and BuzzSumo, or activating Google Alerts for mentions of your brand.

Scouring through Reddit, Facebook forums, and Twitter hashtags are also effective ways of identifying audience interests and concerns, but creating customer profiles requires considerable time and effort.

A digital marketing agency with experience in audience analytics can majorly help you in identifying your target customers.

2)    Review your Social Media Profiles

Before you get down to creating a new strategy, take a look at what’s already in place. Review your social media profiles on each platform, whether on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Twitter.

Such platforms have their own Analytics software that provides data on everything, from follower demographics to content engagement. With their help, you can easily identify which content is the most popular and which is a waste of your resources.

You can also check which platform garners the most followers and has the highest click-through rate to your site.

You can track follower growth, discover the most engaging content formats (video or blog?), review your team’s customer response time, and gather data on your audience’s sentiment towards your products.

Social media is a cornucopia of information. What’s important is to use the insights you have gained to create the perfect content distribution strategy.

3)    Choose the Right Social Media Platforms For Your Business

One of the most important benefits of your social media review is that you’ll understand which platforms work best for your business.

You must dedicate more resources out of your limited marketing budget to the right applications. Otherwise, you may be losing out on a higher potential ROI.

Ask yourself these questions when evaluating the usefulness of a platform:

·       What are your business objectives?

Do you want to achieve higher website traffic (via click-throughs), increase brand awareness, or drive meaningful conversions? Depending on your objective, the usefulness of each platform will vary.

·       What is the nature of your product?

If your product is more visually aesthetic, Instagram and Tik Tok may be better fitted to your business.

For example, if you run a tea and supplements business, you might get more views and likes on aesthetic tea pictures posted on your Instagram profile.

However, the blogs you post may have more traffic incoming from Facebook, since its users are inclined towards both visual and written content.

On the other hand, if you sell a tech-based product, Facebook and LinkedIn may be more suitable options.

·       Is your target audience active on that platform?

Each platform has a demographically varied set of users. LinkedIn is best for B2B promotions, hosting over 700 million professionals. Pinterest is ideal for driving traffic to your site, hosting over 400 million users, mostly women, from all age groups.

·       What is the cost of marketing on the platform?

Paid social media marketing rates vary, depending on each platform and the number of users you wish to reach. Evaluate whether you would be able to generate positive ROI based on the potential target market on the platform and the likelihood of conversions.

·       Are your direct competitors active on that platform? Do they have high followings and engagements?

If yes, you should maintain an active presence on it, as their followers represent a potential market you should tap into.

How can Go Digital World Help You?

For the amateur social media manager, interpreting analytics and evaluating content can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Digital marketing agencies, however, have SMM specialists who can do that for you.

At Go Digital World, we use complex AI to categorize a business’s potential customers, using data from their own and competitors’ profiles.

We generate detailed reports that track content popularity, audience engagement levels, and business ROI per platform, helping you identify hidden opportunities and lower marketing costs.

Contact Go Digital World at +1-609-323-5507 to book a free consultation with our SMM technicians today!