content marketing

How to Nail Your Content Marketing Campaign

The great Michael Scott once said, “Keep it simple, stupid.”

Much like Dwight Schrute, business owners today need to follow the same advice.

However, we get so lost in the world of Google algorithms, complex analytics software, and heavyweight jargon that we forget the cardinal rule of digital marketing:

It all starts with great content.

Content marketing involves creating valuable content for your targeted audience and finding the ideal means of communicating it to them to drive profitable action.

Yes, this definition is a bucketload of information.

We are here to help break it down and cover each aspect thoroughly so that you can craft a campaign that drives your customer conversions chart off the roof!

What is Valuable Content?

There isn’t some elaborate rocket science involved in figuring out the answer to this question. Valuable content is anything your audience enjoys. You can post business-relevant memes, how-to blogs, or even one-on-one interviews with the CEO.

If done right, your content may itself act as an ad for your business, helping generate interest in your services. For many companies, effective content marketing has led to a 30% higher growth rate than other businesses. That means a smaller marketing budget is dedicated to the cause, all the while, gaining promising leads and engagement.

It’s vital to ensure your audience actually wants to consume the content, instead of it being thrust upon them via heavy promotions. Start by identifying your target consumer and mapping out their personality.

How Do You Identify Your Target Customers?

Your target audience consists of those consumers who are most likely to want your products and are, therefore, the key to growing sales and profits. You must, therefore, craft all marketing campaigns keeping their characteristics in mind.

Depending on the nature of your product, your target audience may either be niche or broad.  For example, if you sell chocolate milk, you should focus on children and young adults alike. However, if you sell lactose-free chocolate milk, your ads must be customized to represent the milk’s distinguishing component and its use for lactose-intolerant children.

To understand your target consumer, conduct some heavy-handed research via credible sources, such as:

Customer Demographics

If you have invested in decent Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, you probably have a treasure trove of client data at your disposal. Make a list of your clients’ age group, location, gender, employment, and marital status. Even such base-level details can do wonders for your content targeting.

Moreover, feedback cards and surveys also help understand a client’s motivation behind buying a product and whether they enjoyed their experience.

Based on this information, you can construct a content strategy that focuses on customer pain points and seems the most relatable in tone, writing style, and the content itself.

For example, skincare and makeup websites usually feature insightful articles published in a friendly-expert tone and fun fonts to catch their readers’ attention and keep them hooked.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides extensive data on the internet footprint of users visiting your site. You can discover what channels they are coming from, such as social media, a site back-link, or a Google search, as well as how long they staged on a particular page.

You can assess which blog pages are getting the most and least engagement, as well as determine the page bounce rate. You should examine each page and determine what works (or doesn’t work) in your content.

The best part: This powerful tool is completely free and can easily be integrated with other platforms for seamless data collection and reporting.

Competitor Analysis

The best way to create a winning content strategy is to see what already works. Thoroughly examine your competitor’s blogs, product pages, and social media handles to see how they are marketing their product.

What platform do they use the most?

What posts get the most traction?

What type of content do they publish most frequently?

Contrary to popular belief, working off of successful content is not a poor strategy. This doesn’t mean plagiarizing work! Instead, you must aim to make your site the best source on a particular topic by conducting heavy research and addressing the problem top-to-bottom.

Promoting your content via platforms that work for your competitors may also help you earn more views, but that ultimately depends on the scope of your business. If your competitors are much larger, they are more likely to get users via organic traffic. However, for a newer smaller business, social media may be the entry point into the market.

Once you have a good idea of who your target audience is and how to reach them, it’s time to formulate the ultimate content strategy.

Start by identifying what to produce.

The Various Types of Content

Many webmasters often restrict themselves to one or two types of content, such as crafty blogs or quick videos. However, content is anything that adds value to your audience.

Here’s a quick round-up of the most view-generating and popular content types today:


These are demonstrative graphics that include statistical, quantitative, or qualitative information in a way that’s easy to understand and remember. Even though there is a lot of research, copywriting, and creativity that goes into creating an authentic infographic, once made, it can be an excellent promotional tool for your business.

They often go viral on social media due to their simplicity and memorability.

Check out this excellent infographic by the CMO Council on how COVID-19 has changed the channels of engagement.


If you’re running a business that involves imparting specialized information, having a full-fledged E-Book may be one of the best marketing decisions you could make. A well-written and organized E-book is a Godsend for aspirants looking to learn more about a specific craft and makes for truly valuable content.

Take the Search Engine Journal’s Content Marketing: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide. It has everything you would need to know about content promotion in a free-of-cost, downloadable, and easy-to-read format.


There’s a podcast out there on almost anything and everything. And that’s a great thing!

You can create your very own podcast that’s relevant to your site or business, whether it’s a professional critique on celebrity style by a fashion blogger or a guide to home furnishing by an interior designing company. Podcasts open you up to new channels of promotion, such as iTunes and Spotify.


Blogs aren’t going out of fashion anytime soon. Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI on their efforts. Millions of users type in their queries on Google and skim through articles to find the ideal solution.

You should segment your blogs into different categories based on customer needs. Some content should be evergreen, such as ‘How to guides, or ‘Benefits of’ listicles. Other content can be seasonal, depending on the need of the hour. For example, a recipe for making delicious Hot Chocolate would have more views in winter but experience a slump in engagement in the summers.

Once you’ve identified your unique selling point (USP), your audience, and the types of content to create, all that’s left is to click Publish.

But what schedule should you follow? Often, content distribution and timing are what distinguish a winning strategy from a losing one.

How To Create the Perfect Content Schedule

Say you curated an incredibly informative, customer-centric article. You proofread it, upload it on the site, and click Publish.

But it’s been 3 days and it has only generated a couple of hundred views.

That’s cause for concern. Likely, your article never hit it off because you posted it at a time when most of your consumers were offline.

To generate maximum views, follow these simple scheduling tips:

Clock into Social Media Insights

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide a slew of information via their Insights software on viewer activity. You can gather what days, what hours, and how long your followers are active on your page and discover where engagements come from.

Using this information, you should schedule your content publication (and subsequent social media posting) around user activity to gain maximum views.

Repost, Remarket, and Repeat

Posting once isn’t enough. Any new content you publish should be reposted several times on social media and marketed on the website’s homepage for traction. Your employees should retweet or share the information to boost engagement and generate interest.

However, there is a fine line between remarketing and spamming.  While your content should stand out on customers’ clogged timelines, it shouldn’t be the only thing they see. Be sensible in your promotional efforts. Often, it’s best to promote heavily on the first day, and then on a semi-recurrent basis to maintain relevancy.

Make Mistakes

Scheduling is all about trial and error. Try posting at different times of the day and days of the week to see what works and what doesn’t.

Often, engagement will vary depending on the post’s nature. If you’re posting a video, it might generate more engagement in the evening as compared to the day. If you’re posting an informative blog, you might get more views in the morning than at night, when people do some casual reading with breakfast.

It’s a good idea to refurbish and repost old content and identify trends before hopping onto publishing new content.

Content marketing isn’t some pre-planned, laid-out process. Most of the work you’ll do would require you to be always vigilant, from tracking customer demographics to activity. Moreover, content needs to evolve, and you need to create new pieces that resonate with your target audience better than your competitor’s content.

Lastly, content marketing isn’t a standalone activity. It is a core element of your entire digital marketing campaign, encompassing SEO, SMM, and email promotions. Integrating it effectively with everything else requires time and foresight.

An expert marketer’s skills can especially come in handy when crafting an all-around digital marketing campaign. 

How GoDigital World Can Help You In Content Marketing

Here at GoDigital World, we provide the best-personalized content marketing services, combined with the impeccable automated reporting offered by AI software.  Our teams constantly stay up to date on all developments in their industry, whether it’s a Google algorithmic change, a new social media marketing opportunity, or even a shift in trends.

We know how important numbers are because we use them ourselves. Our winning techniques are a product of industry experience, data testing, and creative wit.

We offer free consultations with tons of quality advice to any business, anywhere, looking to find their perfect digital marketing mix. Call us now at 609-323-5507 or email us at info@thegodigitalworld.com.